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Wednesday Night Dinner ~ April 3rd


Wednesday Night Dinner - Please Register

Thank you to all of those who volunteered to assist with the dinner on Wednesday, April 3rd, at 6 p.m. Mike York will be in touch with those of you who reached out to provide the next steps and details. If you are still interested in participating, we could still use an extra set of hands for setup and tear down, but we have the food well-sorted. Please reach out to Mike directly at myork21785@gmail.com or 443-604-0774. 

If you are planning to attend the dinner, please register here and let us know how many from your family will be attending. There will also be a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Desk at the church if you would rather add your name there.

We are looking forward to this great time of fellowship and breaking bread together. As a reminder, this is not a potluck dinner. This meal is being provided by a small group of volunteers and the church.

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