We exist to make disciples...as family...on mission.
Disciple Making
We are all on a journey. At Valley we call this journey, discipleship. This is the journey every person is on - a journey from knowing nothing about God to being faithful followers of Jesus. Our commitment to "disciple making" is a commitment to help people take steps forward on this journey. We are walking forward and committed to bring others with us. Join us on Sundays as we gather with fellow travelers.
A Diverse Family
Valley is a beautifully diverse body. As we journey, we join together with lots of differences between us. Some are old, some are young; some are rich, some are poor; some are well educated, some have little education. We represent different races, different cultures, and different countries. However, we are family. We walk together in celebrations and in sufferings. We are learning to love and care for each other more deeply as we grow in our commitment to love God and love others more fully.