Questions we hear a lot!
Are you sure you’re on York Road? I’ve never seen a church there.
Yes, we’re sure. We are located at 1401 York Road. And we know…somehow this really big building with TWO steeples is hard to see among all of the other buildings on York Road. We’re located north of the Baltimore Beltway and south of Seminary Road. Look for The Vitamin Shoppe — we are next door. Look for The Fire Museum — we sit in front of it.
Ok, I found the building. Where do I park?
This is easier than it seems. We have a parking lot on our property. There is a small sign directing you towards parking from York Road. (Again, find The Vitamin Shoppe. We share a driveway.) It is small but does have special spots reserved for guests. You can also park in any of the lots that surround our building because we have agreements with all of them to share parking. You can park behind The Vitamin Shoppe. You can park at The Galleria complex. You can park in the lot or garage behind our building.
This is getting crazy! Found the building, parked my car, now how do I get into the building?
Think of it as a game! Have fun! But we know, it’s a bit complicated. There are three primary doors you can enter through. Signs in the yard will help point you towards each of them.
- If you’re coming on a Sunday morning use the main door up the stairs. The main door will lead you to our Welcome Center and our Heritage Room where we have coffee waiting. However, if you use that entrance, you will wind up entering the sanctuary from the front. If you'd feel more comfortable entering the sanctuary from the back, you may want to try the next option.
- The double doors at York Road come directly into the vestibule of the sanctuary. If you’re a bit late, this door will let you come into the back of the sanctuary. However, you'll miss the coffee stop...
- During the week feel free to use the call box at the main doors or the Valley Baptist Preschool entrance. Both of these entrances are on the south side of the building.
Wow! I’m finally in the building! Now what?
Make yourself at home! We want you to enjoy being with us. Have a cup of coffee, make a new friend, join us for worship, stick around to be a part of our small groups.
What do I do with my kids?
Ask at the Welcome Center and someone will be glad to help you find the nursery for children under 3 years old.
Are you going to make me feel uncomfortable in worship?
It's possible... Many of us are uncomfortable in new places surrounded by new people. Sometimes Valley feels like a big family reunion, and we all know those can be uncomfortable. They are also beautiful! Young and old gather together; new family members get to know old family members; strangers (who are now family) give awkward hugs. It can all happen at Valley too. However, we aren't trying to make you uncomfortable! We won't single you out or stick a big sign around your neck or make you wear a funny hat. But we love having new people around us and we sometimes can't control our excitement. We're actually trying hard to make sure you feel comfortable among us.
What can I expect?
We are going to be ourselves. Valley is an authentic community and our worship echoes that reality. We don't all look the same, we don't all act the same, we don't all worship the same. Each of our differences is welcome. Each of our differences is expected. We'll sing some songs, we'll pray some prayers, we'll read the bible, we'll hear some teaching, we'll have moments to enjoy being together. We encourage freedom in worship; and we encourage people to worship with all of their being; so people assume various postures during our singing times - sitting, standing, kneeling, singing, raising hands. We'll also make some mistakes... you'll find we care alot more about being together in the presence of Christ than we do getting everything perfect.