Sunday Morning Bible Studies
Sunday morning Bible Studies will resume on September 12th with a Joint Bible Study with all adults.
Join us for fellowship and to discover the upcoming bible study session.
Beginning on Sunday, September 19th, there will be three choices of classes for adults.
- Going Deeper into the Sermon - Let's talk about it! We will unpack the sermon and identify ways to apply the key concepts to our everyday life. Join us and encourage each other to find ways to share Christ's love every week. Led by Sarah Dotson and others periodically.
- Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter - "Hope in Times of Fear examines the life-changing meaning of Jesus’ resurrection. This is because the resurrection of Jesus brings the future power of God that will someday heal and renew the world - into our lives now. Christians have a realistic and irrepressible hope. It is not a naive and utopian expectation of paradise today but a hope for our lives and our society that we can participate in the fullness of paradise yet to come. The resurrection can shape every aspect of our lives - our inner emotional lives, our relationships, our pursuit of justice, and our attitudes toward history and even death itself." Led by Henry Mosley.
- First Days of the Church - Join Mike and Hersch for a deeper look at the early days of the church. Based on Acts 1-8, this Bible study will look at the challenges faced by Jesus’ followers in the months immediately following His ascension. Join us in seeing how God’s provision for His people in those times gives us guidance about how to face the difficulties in our day.
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