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Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 2024




Every Christmas Season, Valley Baptist Church collects a special offering to support the International Mission Board. This is called the Lottie Moon Christmas
Offering in honor of Lottie Moon, a missionary in China for 39 years from 1873 to 1912. Corresponding to America, Lottie Moon wrote:

“Need it be said why the week before Christmas is chosen? Is not the festive season, when families and friends exchange gifts in memory of The Gift laid on the altar of the world for the redemption of the human race, the most appropriate time to consecrate a portion from abounding riches and scant poverty to send forth the good tidings of great joy into all the earth?”

In 2023, the International Mission Board reported that missionaries had reached 141,206 new believers with 116,992 baptisms worldwide. They trained 12,618 church planters and engaged 1,036 different people groups with the gospel. Still, the task of reaching the world is enormous. It is estimated that 59% of the world today is considered unreached— meaning Jesus is largely unknown among 4.6 billion people. Each year, Valley sets a goal for our special contribution over and above our regular offerings to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering. This year our goal is $5000. As always, this goal is the least we can do; it is always a joy to know that we can even give more generously. Importantly 100% of this contribution goes directly to support the missionaries in their overseas ministries.

To donate toward the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, you can use the designated envelopes, designate your check using the memo line, choose "Lottie Moon" in the drop down menu for online giving, or text $amount lottie (for example $50 lottie) to 410-397-7902.

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