Our weekly collection for donations for the Assistance Center of Towson Churches is on Thursdays from 5-6 p.m.  

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June Announcement

June Announcement
Summer is here, and Valley Baptist Church is right in the middle of a very crucial point in its history. During this interim season, the church started its journey through three phases of seeking God’s direction.
Phase 1: Developing Our Identity in Christ
Phase 2: Connecting as Christ’s Community
Phase 3: Living Out Christ’s Priorities
In June, the church will continue Phase 1 by seeking God together through His Word.  Join in the 26 Day Bible Reading Challenge
Also in June, Pastor Mike will deliver a sermon series on the essential characteristics of a biblical church.  These messages will be important for the congregation, but they are also a wonderful opportunity to invite friends who may be searching for a church home.
July and August will be important in the life of the church as well.  A church revitalization class will take place during the weeks of July 11 through August 7.  You will be able to attend the class online or in person.
Don’t miss this important season at Valley Baptist Church as we seek the Lord’s direction together.