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2023 Easter Mission Offering

Easter Missions Offering (2)

Easter Mission Offering-Each year, Valley Baptist Church receives a special mission offering from its members to support new church plants and other ministries in the Baltimore area.

2023 Dates: March 19-April 9

2023 Goal: $2,400

2023 Recipients:  Graffiti Church, Radiant Church, & Child Evangelism Fellowship


  1. East Baltimore Graffiti Church shares the love of Jesus Christ with the men, women, boys, and girls of East Baltimore assisting all in becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
  2. By the numbers: 50 clients households fed each week, 60 kids a week in summer camps, 30 in the congregation
  3. For Volunteer Opportunities: Contact Rachel Jones


  1. Our vision is to glorify God by making, maturing, and multiplying disciples and churches in Greater Baltimore and beyond.
  2. By the numbers:  Approximately 35 young adults and families
  3. For More Information:  Contact Pastor Orlando Cordero


  1. Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) is an organization focused on evangelizing and teaching children ages 4-14. CEF Maryland trains ministry teams of volunteers to conduct evangelistic events. 
  2. By the numbers:  Nationally – 170,000 Good News Clubs reaching over 15 million children; 1.7 million children accepted Jesus; 170,000 volunteers.
  3. For Volunteer Opportunities: Contact Caleb Russel

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