Our weekly collection for donations for the Assistance Center of Towson Churches is on Thursdays from 5-6 p.m.  

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June Announcement

June AnnouncementSummer is here, and Valley Baptist Church is right in the middle of a very crucial point in its history. During this interim season, the church started its journey through three phases of seeking God's direction.Phase 1: Developing Our Identity in ChristPhase 2: Connecting as Christ's CommunityPhase 3: Living Out Christ's PrioritiesIn June, the church will...

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Easter Offering for Impact One Initiative

Easter Offering This year's Easter Offering will benefit Impact One Initiative in conjunction with the Camp Out Fundraiser on March 27th. If you are donating by check, please mention Easter offering in the memo line.  If you donate online, choose Easter Offering as the fund.  To donate by text, text " $amount Easter" to 410-397-7902. All funds given will go directly t...

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Worship Service for February 14, 2021 moved to a Zoom call

weather cancellation 2.14

The Transition Team has decided to move the service tomorrow to a Zoom service in light of the icy conditions on streets and lots. Service will be at 9:30 a.m. as usual and the link is below. The Lord's Supper will not be celebrated tomorrow and will move to February 21, when we are (hopefully) back together in person. Topic: Worship Service February 14, 2021 Time: Feb 1...

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Worship Service, February 7th, moved to Zoom

Because of the forecasted storm and reduced visibility forecasted for tomorrow morning before and during our service time, we are switching our in-person and streaming services to one collective Zoom call service at 9:30 a.m. Zoom login information is below. We look forward to seeing everyone.This would normally be our week to celebrate the Lord's Supper, b...

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Rachel Stevenson Baby Shower

Ladies and girls of the church are invited to a baby shower for Rachel Stevenson on Saturday, February 6th, at 1:00 p.m. Rache's registry can be foundhere. If you have any questions, contact Ellen York or Amy Sadera. Topic: Rachel Stevenson Baby ShowerTime: Feb 6, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/86279468341 ...

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Worship Service ~ Sunday, January 31, 2021

In light of the anticipated snow storm beginning in the early hours tomorrow, we are moving our in-person worship service to be a Zoom call tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Mike McQuitty will still be preaching and it will be a shortened version of our planned worship service, but on Zoom instead of in-person. The link for the Zoom calls and also for online giving are included below....

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Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

OCC hp

You can pick up shoeboxes and labels for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes at the church. Information on how and what to pack in the shoeboxes can be found on the Operation Christmas Child website. National Drop Off week is November 16-23. You can find drop off locations here. If you are uneasy shopping or are not coming to church and would still like to participate, O...

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Virtual Gathering Easter Communion Zoom

Easter Preparation and Communion Virtual GatheringPlease watch thisvideofrom Pastor Chad and Callie about Easter Sunday preparations.Easter CommunionApr 12, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern TimeJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/459318313?pwd=TnZxajlLVysvT040ckNOSnV0cENXZz09Meeting ID: 459 318 313Password: 044280One tap mobile+19292056099,,459318313#US (New York)Dial by your ...

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Easter Mission Offering To Benefit ACTC and Impact One Initiative


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COVID-19 UPDATE - MARCH 14, 2020

A note about cancelation of public gatherings due to COVID-19. ...

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