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Wednesday Night Family Dinner ~ May 1, 2024

Wednesday Night Dinner (1)

The first Wednesday night dinner was a huge success due predominantly to the awesome team of volunteers who stepped up to help make it happen. As long as people keep coming hungry, we're going to keep doing it. Next up, May 1st.We are again putting out a call for volunteers to help prepare a dish, set up the gym, or tear down when it's over. Please let Mike York know if ...

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New Adult Bible Study Session Begins Sunday, April 21st

New Bible Study Session (3)

The next session of Adult Bible Studies will run from April 21st through May 26th. These studies meet together following our 9:30 a.m. worship service on Sundays. There are five options during this session: False Teachings - led by Mike McQuitty and Mike York Discipleship Journey, Part 2 - led by Barry Brown Psalms of David - led by Jawan Blunt and Ryan Jones Book ...

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Good Friday Service

Good Friday Service (1)

Join us on Friday, March 29th, at 7:00 p.m. as we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us....

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Fridays At Valley

Friday nights have become an amazing time of outreach at Valley Baptist Church. People have come as a result of the "Open to All Volleyball" announcement on our sign on York Road. Friends continue to invite friends, and the college students are coming in larger numbers. Some of the college students are now experimentingwith a worship time that evening as well.Please pray...

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Wednesday Night Dinner Relaunch

Mike York is planning to re-launch a regular cadence of Wednesday night fellowship dinners for Valley members and guests. This would not be a potluck-style dinner, but rather a prepared meal provided by a group of volunteers to serve all those who wish to fellowship once a month and break bread together. For this to happen, he needs a little help. We are looking for volu...

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Easter Mission Offering

Our Easter Offering begins March 3rd, and goes throughout March up until Easter Sunday, March 31st.You can bring checks or cash to the church or give online.For text giving, text $amount easter (i.e.$50 easter) to 410-397-7902. Valley's goal this year is $3000. The funds collected are to be divided equally for three purposes: 1. The Salaam Center of Baltimore (Salaam mean...

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ACTC Thanksgiving Bag Collection

actc graphic

Valley will once again be collecting Thanksgiving Bags in partnership with the Assistance Center of Towson Churches. ACTC collects all these bags and then provides distribution to local families who are in need of food for Thanksgiving. You can use the shopping list/bag checklist to complete a full bag or you can donate any items on the list and they will be used to make...

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2023 Easter Mission Offering

Easter Missions Offering (2)

Easter Mission Offering-Each year, Valley Baptist Church receives a special mission offering from its members to support new church plants and other ministries in the Baltimore area. 2023 Dates: March 19-April 9 2023 Goal: $2,400 2023 Recipients: Graffiti Church, Radiant Church, Child Evangelism Fellowship Graffiti Church https://ebgraffiti.org/ East Baltim...

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ACTC Thanksgiving Baskets

ACTC Thanksgiving Basket Collection 2022

It is time to begin our planning for ACTC's annual Thanksgiving Basket Project. Each year, we partner with ACTC to reach out to our community by providing food baskets to families in need. The combined efforts of the Towson community and our supporting churches have always been magnificent. Last year these efforts benefited 3,000 families in Baltimore County and City. Th...

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ACTC Thanksgiving Basket Collection

ACTC Thanksgiving Bags

It is time to begin our planning for ACTC's annual Thanksgiving Basket Project. Each year, we partner with ACTC to reach out to our community by providing food baskets to families in need. The combined efforts of the Towson community and our supporting churches have always been magnificent. Last year these efforts benefited 3,000 families in Baltimore County and City. They...

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Towson Gardens Day Service Opportunity

Towson Gardens Day

Once again this year Valley Baptist Church and Valley Baptist Preschool will share a booth space at the Towson Gardens Day event on Thursday, April 28th, from 10 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. We will hand out materials about the preschool and church, have games and crafts for kids, and just meet and greet those who are attending the festival. If you are interested in coming to be a pa...

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Going Beyond Live - Priscilla Shirer Event September 24, 2022

gbl yl registration

Author and speaker Priscilla Shirer will be in Baltimore at the Chesapeake Employers Insurance Arena at UMBC on Saturday, September 24th. We will be ordering group tickets so that anyone that is interested in attending can get a discounted rate. You can find more about this event by watching this video or getting more details here. If you are interested in getting ticket...

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Connected Christmas

Connected Christmas

Connected Christmas Family Opportunity Valley Baptist Church is pleased to invite families with children to have a "Connected Christmas." Each week, starting Sunday, November 28th, we will send those who have registered an email with a video reenactment of a Bible story as well as a Parent Note which gives you questions to ask, activities to do and more to help your fam...

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Future Directions Leadership Committee Proposal Schedule

Town Hall Meetings

Future Directions Leadership Committee Proposal ScheduleSunday, November 14-The proposal from the FDLC will be presented at the Annual Business Celebration at 10:30 at VBC.Monday, November 15- A special email version of the FDLC proposal will be sent out to the church.Sunday, November 21-Two town hall events will be held by the committee to answer questions and take sugg...

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Towson Fall Festival

Towson Fall Festival

Join Valley Baptist Church and Valley Baptist Preschool at the Towson Fall Festival on Sunday, October 10th from 11-7. Help is needed to man our table and help kids with a small craft as well as interact with festival goers and hand out materials from Valley....

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Sunday Morning Bible Studies

Bible Study Classes w Date (2)

Sunday morning Bible Studies will resume on September 12th with a Joint Bible Study with all adults.Join us for fellowship and to discover the upcomingbible study session.Beginning on Sunday, September 19th, there will be three choices of classes for adults. Going Deeper into the Sermon- Let's talk about it! We will unpack the sermon and identify ways to apply the key...

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Business Meetings

Valley Baptist Church family,As we head into Phase 3 of this interim journey, I want to encourage you to continue to pray for God's direction and leadership for the church.The first two phases have focused on preparing our hearts and understanding of what it means to be a biblical church.During Phase 3, Valley Baptist Church will move towards making critical decisions toge...

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Back To School Event with ACTC

Back To School Event in Partnership with ACTCOur Back To School Event is planned for Saturday, August 14th. Things are a little different this year, so there are lots of times to volunteer and, of course, lots of donations are needed. See below for details orherefor ACTC's newsletter with all the information.Dates:Saturday, July 31st at 10:00 a.m. ~ sorting donated schoo...

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Critical Next Steps Forward

Critical Next Steps ForwardValley Family,The church is facing some really big questions in the next several months. I want to encourage all of you to pray and seek God's guidance.Here are some important opportunities:1) June Sermon Series on the Nature of the Church - Please try to attend or watch all four of these messages. They lay out the key essentials that must be pre...

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June Announcement

June AnnouncementSummer is here, and Valley Baptist Church is right in the middle of a very crucial point in its history. During this interim season, the church started its journey through three phases of seeking God's direction.Phase 1: Developing Our Identity in ChristPhase 2: Connecting as Christ's CommunityPhase 3: Living Out Christ's PrioritiesIn June, the church will...

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Easter Offering for Impact One Initiative

Easter Offering This year's Easter Offering will benefit Impact One Initiative in conjunction with the Camp Out Fundraiser on March 27th. If you are donating by check, please mention Easter offering in the memo line.  If you donate online, choose Easter Offering as the fund.  To donate by text, text " $amount Easter" to 410-397-7902. All funds given will go directly t...

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Virtual Gathering Easter Communion Zoom

Easter Preparation and Communion Virtual GatheringPlease watch thisvideofrom Pastor Chad and Callie about Easter Sunday preparations.Easter CommunionApr 12, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern TimeJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/459318313?pwd=TnZxajlLVysvT040ckNOSnV0cENXZz09Meeting ID: 459 318 313Password: 044280One tap mobile+19292056099,,459318313#US (New York)Dial by your ...

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Easter Mission Offering To Benefit ACTC and Impact One Initiative


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Centrifuge Camp June 29-July 3 2020

Our youth are going to 'Fuge! Our youth will have the opportunity to go to Centrifuge Camp being held at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA the week of June 29-July 3. Cost is $324 per student (fundraising event information will come at a later date). Interested students should register online by Sunday, February 16. A deposit of $60 is due by 2/16. If you have any q...

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Fan the Flames

Fan into Flames Series for Website

New sermon series on evangelism beginning June 3. We'll look at "Six Simple Steps" to sharing our faith created by Doug Dubois....

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