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Towson Fall Festival

Towson Fall Festival

Join Valley Baptist Church and Valley Baptist Preschool at the Towson Fall Festival on Sunday, October 10th from 11-7. Help is needed to man our table and help kids with a small craft as well as interact with festival goers and hand out materials from Valley....

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Sunday Morning Bible Studies

Bible Study Classes w Date (2)

Sunday morning Bible Studies will resume on September 12th with a Joint Bible Study with all adults.Join us for fellowship and to discover the upcomingbible study session.Beginning on Sunday, September 19th, there will be three choices of classes for adults. Going Deeper into the Sermon- Let's talk about it! We will unpack the sermon and identify ways to apply the key...

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Business Meetings

Valley Baptist Church family,As we head into Phase 3 of this interim journey, I want to encourage you to continue to pray for God's direction and leadership for the church.The first two phases have focused on preparing our hearts and understanding of what it means to be a biblical church.During Phase 3, Valley Baptist Church will move towards making critical decisions toge...

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Back To School Event with ACTC

Back To School Event in Partnership with ACTCOur Back To School Event is planned for Saturday, August 14th. Things are a little different this year, so there are lots of times to volunteer and, of course, lots of donations are needed. See below for details orherefor ACTC's newsletter with all the information.Dates:Saturday, July 31st at 10:00 a.m. ~ sorting donated schoo...

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Critical Next Steps Forward

Critical Next Steps ForwardValley Family,The church is facing some really big questions in the next several months. I want to encourage all of you to pray and seek God's guidance.Here are some important opportunities:1) June Sermon Series on the Nature of the Church - Please try to attend or watch all four of these messages. They lay out the key essentials that must be pre...

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